Thursday 28 July 2011

section k06 riang =)

1 ogos nie last la day la bersama SHORT SEMESTER nie...
best gler spnjg aku dok section k06 nie
the most happening ( hei, pening) class in the world...!!
K06 ROCK....~~~!!!

consists of 26 members that is 8 girls, 18 boys. =)
but hidayah wasn't here that day.
klas nie mmg rock...
p mana ja msti bersama... ta penah nak berpisah langsung..
i love k06 like crazy
our lecturer, Miss Marziah Ramli also so sporting...!
today, we had finished our Get Into Gramar(GIG) programme..
 really fantastic.. 
my team: SPT CREW =)

berlagak jd org hebat satttt =P

miss marziah... 

..muka2 hepi tuhhh...
pastu pakat letih..lena ta sedaq habaq kata dah tgh malam..
(wat over penat bleh. keja ta wat tera mana pown) hehhehe.. =)

ikatan persahabatan yg tercipta antara k06 nie mmg kuat...
payah nak roboh..(insyaALLAH)
weyh, mai nak cita satu cita kat sini...
aku kat sini ada bFF dah...
nie muka2 depa...

comey2 kan.... nie suma classmates merangkap bff aku kat sini.. i love u all 

hurm.. mai nak cita pasai last two weeks plak,
kami qamai2 p Bukit Gambang Water Park ataw lebih popular disebut sbg gambang water perk (ayat iqbal) hehehhe.
best sgt2...
sume org sporting...
then, suma mcam kanak2 ribena..
men sequpa kanak2... hahahhaha

separuh drpd k06 ja nie...

lepas g jalan2 ngan classmates, esok tu....
g camping lak utk briged siswa...
kat situ best la, jmpa plak geng yg hingaq...sama spesies...
pastu start men game TRUTH OR DARE...!!
xmau men dah pas nie...
habeh suma rasia hampir2 bocoq.. hahahaha =D
geng2 budak kimia suma jenis hingaq nak mampoih..
klo geng pompuan tu, dok dengaq sora kami ja la...

geng "emmm emmm" =)
jerit tak ingat dunia time jungle trekking tu.. (takot pacat)
pacat tu pacat jantan kot nooo, gatai sgt naek kat badan girl2 mcm kami nie..
hehhehe. thanks la pacat oii sbb berjaya takotkan kami noo.. =P
pastu time night walk tu, budak laki jerit lebih dr pompuan... kco aku tidoq ja.. hehehe
tqok btoi la..

-Memory is the way of holding onto the things u love, the things u are & the things u never want to lose- 

yes..! akhirnya tamat short sem nie..
pastu leh balik KEDAH
puasa, RAYA...

tataw nak tulih pa dah woii...
k la, bye2
assalamualaikum =)

p/s: mesti nnt aku rindu kat k06...wanna cry =(


  1. wah...bejalan sakan aih dia...hehehe...jom t p jln2 cm tu dgn aku pulak...hehehe....apa apa r tgk hg gumbira...

  2. hhahaha :)
    boleh ja...
    nnt kita jalan2 sama nooo
